21 years ago everything in my body was screaming “don’t do this” as my 8 week old beautiful baby girl and I were at her pediatricians office for her “1st series of vaccines”. The doc could clearly see I was struggling…she then gently placed both hands, on each one of my shoulders and said to me in a VERY stern voice, “IF YOUR DAUGHTER GETS THESE DISEASES SHE WILL DIE”. This was before I knew that a mothers intuitiion trumps ALL.... Because I intuitively KNEW not to allow this. I would give ANYTHING to go back to that very moment and not had that poison plunged into my beautiful daughter. May all the powers that be behind all of this horrible toxic demonic “science” die a horrible death.

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They trained the pediatricians well - to coerce and shame and convince to get us parents to participate in this evil

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Dr Peter McCollough ‘ s presentation TRUTH . I pray that more Doctors and Nurses wake up . It was great to see you sharing Dr Mikovits at Godspeak

Hod Bless

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