It was premeditated murder of those transfected - infection by injection of gain of function viruses, contaminating all vaccines for 40 years - 15% of Americans or more.
Unvaccinated are not the spreaders. The vaccinated now with vaccine AIDS are spreading the variants, not the unvaccinated, as David Nolde’s autopsy proved.
Last night Peter McCullough spoke at my church, Godspeak.
He affirmed what I have been saying all along.
“There are no safety measures in place to make these [shots]. The FDA has still to this day has never commissioned a safety review of these vaccines. There’s never been an independent safety monitoring board, there has never been any consideration that these should be taken off the market for not being safe enough…Pull these off the market!”
The HHS still to this day has never commissioned a safety review of any of the vaccines on the CDC schedule since all liability was removed in 1986.
Blacks, indigenous people, Hispanic, Athletes, pregnant women and the elderly. These are the target populations.
The unvaccinated are not spreading disease or dying suddenly because of the strength of our natural immunity.
It took 6 days of no water, no food and no medication to cause the heart attack that killed my David on Dec 1st 2021. Otherwise, as he sat and laughed eating chocolate pudding (his first food in 6 days since his physical kidnapping), he would have gone home.
MyDavid sero-converted, that is he made antibodies to the XMRVs, including SARSCov2/Omicron in 2010. (The pathologist on the autopsy has the formal and fixed samples from the biopsy/autopsy of his lungs.) He was able to do this because he took oral immunization Ivermectin and HCQ since 2014.
For a decade, I fed my husband and kept him well knowing he had been infected with xmrv2-omicron in 2010 and any shot could cause antibody dependent enhancement and kill him, just as Peter McCulloch said last night.
While it's difficult to listen to the hard truths doctors like Peter McCullough are delivering, Dr McCullough is helping to heal a community that now realizes these were never intended to be vaccines. Rather, these are bioweapons intended to enslave and murder the best and the brightest, those who refuse to inject or ingest GMO, and all of those outside the cult of scientism
Dr Mcullough and I share the vision expressed in the dedication of my book, Plague.
Stop the shots. All of them.
I Pray they learn quickly and see that the ongoing drug pushing is just that, and that they learn to trust that the power that made the body can heal the body.
21 years ago everything in my body was screaming “don’t do this” as my 8 week old beautiful baby girl and I were at her pediatricians office for her “1st series of vaccines”. The doc could clearly see I was struggling…she then gently placed both hands, on each one of my shoulders and said to me in a VERY stern voice, “IF YOUR DAUGHTER GETS THESE DISEASES SHE WILL DIE”. This was before I knew that a mothers intuitiion trumps ALL.... Because I intuitively KNEW not to allow this. I would give ANYTHING to go back to that very moment and not had that poison plunged into my beautiful daughter. May all the powers that be behind all of this horrible toxic demonic “science” die a horrible death.
Dr Peter McCollough ‘ s presentation TRUTH . I pray that more Doctors and Nurses wake up . It was great to see you sharing Dr Mikovits at Godspeak
Hod Bless