Why does John Coffin write an opinion article on our 2009 Science paper which misrepresents the paper when he was the primary reviewer of the paper and had all of the patient immune data removed and covered up? The data in the paper shows VP62 the molecular clone was not infectious or transmissible rather a bioweapon — infection by injection.
The original title of the science paper submitted on May 6, 2009, was Presence of Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Clearly patient 1118 is not infected with VP62 (as John coffin covered up pre and post publication). Nor was any patient infected with the Frankenstein clone. What’s the problem? Silverman and Coffin. They are being paid by Abbott Labs for diagnostic and therapeutic patents which were in fact owned by Frank Ruscetti, The National Cancer Institute and Judy Mikovits Nolde.
All of the proprietary data for both diagnostic and therapeutic patents were submitted by attorney Saul Zackson in 2008. None were discussed in any presentation prior to the October 8, 2009 online publication.
41 abstracts presented at the first international conference on XMRV held at the NIH on September 6 and 7, 2010.
In Abstract 28, Drs. Lo and Alter confirm variants in patient samples frozen since HIV AIDS!
In Abstract 24 Max Pfost and Judy Mikovits detect infectious XMRV in peripheral blood of children.
Curiously, in abstract 4 by Susanne Vernon, twenty-year CDC employee, reviews the blood donation and transfusion in CFS patients.
No wonder after that conference Susanne Vernon says, “Agency heads scare to death… if XMRV works out!”
“Works out”?! Meaning that the blood supply has been contaminated more than 30 years with XMRVs associated with neurodegenerative/neuroimmune disease including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Lyme Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer Disease…
False Positive? Now it’s a mouse virus! And it was the company VIPDx, owned by the Whittemores and run by Lombardi, that misappropriated the Mikovits NIIAD Ro1 to sell invalidated PCR tests based on the Ruscetti NCI Mikovits patent. The intellectual property of 2007 funded the INIP (Intramural Neuroimmune Research Award) which also included Frank Ruscetti, the NCI and the Dennis Taub National Institute on Aging.
Thinly veiled threat to the Whittemores’ jail time? Published the day after my September 22 talk at IACFS (Susan Vernon’s advocacy organization in Ottawa) where I showed proof and confirmation of our data! How interesting I’m fired on September 29 for insolence and insubordination.
Yeah I gave that talk, so why did Jon Cohen write, “She said she’ll have her new sequences in a few weeks”? John Coffin knew Frank Ruscetti and the NCI did all of the full length sequencing and delivered those sequences from the end/spike proteins patented in 2010.
“What DOES HAPPEN if XMRVs work out?” And what would WORK OUT mean?
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