Cormick Scanlan - I pray that your death will not be in vain
and that God gives us the power to reach young people who may be in similar shoes, or skates, and just don’t know it yet.
The official report is that this young man was “diagnosed with moyamoya disease a rare blood vessel disorder in which a skull artery becomes narrowed or blocked.”
I cannot say for certain that it was the deadly toxins that now plague our world from the Covid MRNA shots that was the triggering event for the underlying pathology that caused his death, but if I had to guess, I would say that would be the case. Sadly, this is all too common in our world now. Regardless of what was the root cause of this young man’s death, there is an agent of healing that could have prevented this issue before it got to critical stages.
The product is called Cardio Miracle and it’s a Nitric Oxide formulation designed to assist the cardiovascular system. That same blood vessel that became ‘narrowed or blocked’ could have been helped had it been fed the correct ingredients. These ingredients give the vasculature the nutrients it needs to support a wider dilation as well as making the walls and blood cells more ‘slippery’ allowing for easier transportation of blood. The aspects that led to Cormicks death may have been prevented with proper ‘food’ at the cellular level (more on this soon).
I pray that Cormick Scanlan’s death was not in vain, and that he will help us deliver healing to those suffering whether they know it or not. His right to play the greatest game on earth was taken away from him and my mission is to save the next young person who could be facing similar trouble. Until then I will pray for Cormick and his family.
We do not bow to the cult of scientism. Vaccination is not immunization — it's extermination.
Another tragedy! This will not end unless WE end it. I strongly suggest that YOU go to: and click "Let the Internet Fix America". Wishing all a Happy New Year!
Please, for the sake of truth, take a look at this- after 5000 h of research this is absolutely top notch and brilliant: